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Alt 20.01.2003, 19:42
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Standard Meningiona Surgery

Dear all,

My Father-in-law is just diagnosed with about 2cm big meningnoma on the left side just above speech center and recommended immediate surgery. His doctor suggested that surgery should be done in Bochum or Dortmund. We don’t know anything about those hospitals and your information will be of great help.

Also, we heard that it would be important to have MRT during the surgery and that only couple of hospitals in Germany have and use that equipment. One of them is Uni Kilink Leipzig that was also recommended to us as the best in Germany (especially Dr. Trantakis).

Do you know anything about Uni Klinik Leipzig and Dr. Trantakis?
Do you know any other hospital in Germany that has MRT and use it for surgery?
Do you have any suggestions for a hospital and doctor?

We are very grateful for any information.
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Alt 20.01.2003, 21:50
Benutzerbild von Peter
Peter Peter ist offline
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Standard Meningiona Surgery

Dear damir,

I think you mean an open MRT. This am located also in Frankfurt/Main. I think you find under volume towards that InterNet address more information work here Professor Vogl thereby. I think University of Leipzig and also University of Frankfurt have a good name. About Dr. Trantakis I can say unfortunately nothing to you, since I did not hear ever of him.
I wish you much luck with search.

All property

Und hier in Deutsch:

Hallo Damir,

ich denke du meinst ein offenes MRT. Dieses steht auch in Frankfurt am Main. Ich denke du findest unter folgender Internetadresse mehr Informationen. Hier arbeitet ein Prof. Vogl damit. Ich denke Uni Leipzig und auch Uni Frankfurt haben einen guten Namen.
Über Dr. Trantakis kann ich dir leider nichts sagen, da ich noch nie von ihm gehört habe.
Ich wünsche dir viel Glück beim suchen..

Alles Gute

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