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Alt 23.09.2006, 17:58
gul gul ist offline
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Standard What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

First, sorry i can't speak germany.
My father is metastastic colon cancer. First its metastas liver, and then now metastas in the lung.
We used all clasic treatment for this. But we dont take any result. Last time we used avastin and then erbitux. But result isnot change.
Now the doctor dont say anything. We spoke a lot of doctor. But all doctors said that "You used everything, we dont make anything now".
Now, we dont know what can we do now. We think maybe we can try vaccine, immunologic, stem cell or genetic treatment for my father's colon cancer.
But we don't know which klinic interest this things in the Belgium or Germany.
Can you give the some information about which treatment we can try now, and which hospital or clinic speasyalist for metastastic colon cancer...
If you can give answer, i will be happy.

Best Regards,
Gül Erme
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Alt 23.09.2006, 18:37
manuela2302 manuela2302 ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

hello gül,

sorry but my english is not so good. i hope you can understand me.
my father has the same cancer like your fahther with metastasen in the liver and lung.
please look in a another thread over dr. mueller in hammelburg. dr. mueller is a fantastic doctor.
i think he can help you. he has a mail adress. you can sent him a mail.

kind regards manuela
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Alt 23.09.2006, 18:41
manuela2302 manuela2302 ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

hello gül,

sorry ive forgot the page.
please look here.

kind regards manuela
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Alt 23.09.2006, 19:02
gul gul ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

Hello again,
Thanks manuela2302 to much for interest to me.
And if is it possible for you, i want to ask something.
What did they doing to your father? Which treatment did they use on the your father colon?
Because we used; surgey, three time chemotherapy and avastin, erbitux.

Thank you again...
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Alt 24.09.2006, 18:18
manuela2302 manuela2302 ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

hello gul,

my father had became in the first therapy oxaliplatin and after then campto with avastin.
avsatin was not so good. erbitux is better.
now he become oxaliplatin with 5fu/fa.
next month we go to hammelburg to dr. mueller.

kind regards manuela
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Alt 25.09.2006, 17:47
gul gul ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

Zitat von manuela2302
hello gul,

my father had became in the first therapy oxaliplatin and after then campto with avastin.
avsatin was not so good. erbitux is better.
now he become oxaliplatin with 5fu/fa.
next month we go to hammelburg to dr. mueller.

kind regards manuela
Hello again manuela,
I dont understand very well your mesagge. But my friends know deutsch. And now you can write deutsch. Because my friends explain to me...
Thank you for interest...

Now my friend is begining to write:

Schön guten tag,
Ich übersetze was meine freundin sagt. Meine frage: Meine vater, hat darmkrebs. Diese Krebs hat erst Leber und dann Lunger metastas gemacht.
Bis jetzt diese behandlungen gemacht: Er ist opariert, danach cemotharapie gemacht, als letzten hat er avastin und erbitux genommen. Jetzt sagen die Arzte ; wir haben gemacht, was wir machen können. Die sagen was über gegen krebs klassischen form machen können haben wir gemacht.

1- Jetzt wissen wir was wir machen können. Wir brauchen ihre hilfe! Was können wir machen?

2- Was wir wissen, es gibt manche behandlungen noch gegen darmkrebs. Die sind vaccine, stammzellen, immonologic, ents genome.
Wissen sie wo kann mann diese behandlungen machen?

Liebe Manuel,
Vor allem, meine englisch ist auch nichts gut..
ich habe einige frage an ihnen;
1- İst Herr Dr. Mueller ihre neue Arzt oder seit anfang waren sie dieser Arzt behandelt.
2- Meine vater hat oxaliplatin vorher genommen. Haben sie oxaliplatin vorher genommen, oder nehmen sie jetzt diese oxaliplatin?
3- Ich habe nichts gut verstanden, was für eine behandlung macht Herr Müller für deine Vater. Herr Müller hat welche behandlungen bis jetzt gemacht?
Ich warte ihre antwort.

Viele Grusse
Erme Gul
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Alt 28.09.2006, 21:55
nunuc nunuc ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

first my english isn't perfect.I think,i'll write in english,because I don't understand your german message.
My mother is a metastas colon cancer ,too.
Her first therapie includes oxaliplatin,the second irinotecan and since 5 weeks she gets cetuximab.cetuximap is a kind of "Stammzellen"-therapy (I don#t know the english word )
The medicine suggested by the medicals depends on the kind of cancer and its progress.It's not possible to say, oxaliplatin is good or not good or irinotecan is good or not good.It all depends on the kind of cancer.
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Alt 29.09.2006, 06:15
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Jutta Jutta ist offline
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Standard AW: What can we do after avastin-erbitux? Help

hello gul,

as nunuc said, it always depends on the kind of cancer, and its stage.

Get in contact with the cancer centre in Leuwwen and ask them your questions.

Dr Müller performs surgeries and chemotherapies for many cancer types which other doctors do not perform any more.

Once the doctors say there are no more options, it may be good not to let the patient suffer through more chemos or therapies.

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