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Alt 13.01.2006, 20:17
Domi Domi ist offline
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Registriert seit: 13.01.2006
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Standard Leonardis Klinik Bad Heilbrunn, Ehrfahrungen über die... ?

Kann mir jemand objektive Auskünfte über die Leonardis Kliniz in Bad Heilbrunn geben ?
Das ist für eine Englische Freundin deren Krebs so beschrieben wird:
" I can't say exactly what type of cancer my sister has got, but I can say that it started off as breast cancer which was discovered very / too late. She had a lumpectomy and the underarm lymph glands were taken away. Chemotherampy and radiotherapy, about 5 years ago at the age of 46 years old. The secondary cancer metastases spread into the ribs, vertebrae, spinal chord and hip in that order. The latest news a couple of weeks ago was that the scan showed metastases all over the skeleton, skull included. Obviously, she's in great pain but continues to try to be active. The doctors say there is nothing more that can be done and it is just a matter of time. They have advised another load of chemotherapy, which she started last Monday to try to reduce the size of the tumours to stop them pressing on nerve centres, to try and make living a bit easier.

She has chosen to have the chemotherapy while pursuing her research into alternative possibilities at the same time. She has for a long time been on a very strict vegan diet, advised by several cancer specialists and it has made her feel much better at least. She is also concerned about developing her immune system through natural means.

She has done a lot of research into this and feels that there may be some answer, without taking risks or falling into the frequent traps of paying huge sums of money to not-so-honest "specialists". She has heard of several clinics, and amongst them the Leonardis Klinik. She's looking for objective reports."
Vielen dank an diejienigen die Informationen besitzen und weieterleiten können.

Geändert von Domi (13.01.2006 um 20:26 Uhr)
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