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Alt 15.08.2006, 09:03
sandis sandis ist offline
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Registriert seit: 11.11.2005
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Standard AW: NET Pankreas tumor

Diese zusammenfassung habe ich letztens auf einem us-board gefunden,leider
habe ich keine deutsche fassung gefunden...

"1. Surgery with curative resection of the primary in the absence of metastatic spread and tumor debulking in metastatic disease should be intended where ever possible. 2. Antiproliferative strategies should consider the growth characteristics and biology of a given tumor. Do not treat non-growing metastases which are stable by CT for 6 months and longer! It is questionable whether these patients have any benefit from anti-proliferative measures. Consider surgery or local ablative measures (radiofrequence ablation) in these patients. 3. In the case of moderately rapid progression chemotherapy should be offered in patients with tumors of pancreatic origin (streptozotocin combinations, dacarbacine). Chemotherapy should not be offered to patients with well-differentiated non-functional or functional tumors arising from the intestine (from stomach to rectum). 4. Offer chemotherapy (etoposid + cisplatin) in exploding tumors as small cell and undifferentiated neuroendocrine carcinomas. 5. Offer local irradiation in case of pain in patients with bone metastases since bone metastases do not respond to chemotherapy and biotherapy. 6. Offer octreotide to patients with well-differentiated slowly growing neuroendocrine tumors. In case of further growth add α-interferon. 7. Consider chemoembolization primarily in patients with liver metastases due to mid- and hindgut tumors since this group of patients does not respond to chemotherapy. 8. Consider radioligand therapy only within controlled and prospective studies since it is unsettled whether this modality should be offered to patients as firstline treatment or to patients unresponsive to other therapeutic alternatives."

gruß alex
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